
Presentation for the “Architectonics of Game Worlds” University of Cologne

“The Architectural Continuum: Choropoietic media and post-physical-world spatial aesthetics” presentation for the “Architectonics of Game Worlds – On Aesthetics and Mechanics, Spaces and Places, Rhythms and Philosophies” organised by Dr.… Presentation for the “Architectonics of Game Worlds” University of Cologne


Round table for the exhibition “Artificial Paradise? Immersion in Space and Time”

Round table presentation and discussion on the topic of Immersion in the Arts, in the context of the exhibition “Artificial Paradise? Immersion in Space and Time” curated by Jürgen Dehm, at… Round table for the exhibition “Artificial Paradise? Immersion in Space and Time”


“Beyond the Visual” workshop for OSSA “Vision” with Gerriet K. Sharma

Workshop upon invitation by the Polish Association of Architecture Students (OSSA), part of the event “Vision” taking place October 13-21 2018, in Lodz, Poland.  Spatial audio composer and sound artist Gerriet K.… “Beyond the Visual” workshop for OSSA “Vision” with Gerriet K. Sharma