omni is a head-mounted Virtual Reality mask, that uses a mobile phone as a display. It was developed as an improvement of the Durovis Open Dive, and was optimized for iPhone 5s, while maintaining the ability to work with a lot more devices and surpass the size limitations of the original.
- Interchangeable phone holders
- Single planar lens holder with single grip to the right
- Adjustable interpupillary distance (IPD) lens holder
- Non-removable adjustable strap
- Printable by conventional 3d-printers
Improvements over open-Dive:
- Lenses are always planar due to single lens holder
- Single and shorter lens holder, with one side hole, reducing light entering the mask
- IPD can be preset and kept at a specific setting
- Designated padding tracks
- No strap buckles prone to breaking
- Device specific phone holders ensure that the screen will keep its position and rotation on the mask
- The mask is rigid and cannot be deformed or bent
- Requires much less padding
- Higher degree of light proofing
The omni mask was developed by Constantinos Miltiadis and Demetris Shammas at CAAD ETHz for project Anywhere.
The prototyping was done on an Utlimaker Original 3D printer, courtesy and with the help of Achilleas Xydis.
Chair for CAAD ETHz / 2014